"War in Pocket" diptych H530~W940mm(1 panel H530 x W455), college,paper, watercolor and acrylic on canvas, 2021.
"Summer Time Blues" acrylic on cotton, 332x242mm, 2021.
"Coffee Lake" acrylic on cotton, 332x242mm, 2021.
"Once and Only Once" acrylic on cotton, 332x242mm, 2021.
"Temper Tantrums" acrylic on canvas, 332x242mm, 2021.
"Migraine" acrylic on canvas, 332x242mm, 2021.
"Donft repeat your self" acrylic on cotton, 242x332mm, 2021.
"God Speed You" acrylic on cotton, 410x242mm, 2021.
"Hells Angels" acrylic on cotton, 242x332mm, 2021.
"mcro" acrylic on paper, 297x210mm, 2021.
"Pulse Code Modulation" acrylic on cotton, 803x652, 2021.
"Multiple Sub-Nyquist Sampling Encoding" acrylic on cotton, 1167x910mm, 2021.